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Desinfection 01 Desinfection 02 Desinfection 03
Desinfection 01 Desinfection 02 Desinfection 03
Desinfection 01 Desinfection 02 Desinfection 03
Desinfection 04 Desinfection 05 Desinfection 06
Desinfection 04 Desinfection 05 Desinfection 06
Desinfection 04 Desinfection 05 Desinfection 06

Désinfection Disinfection

Eliminate 99.9% of bacteria and viruses with electrostatic spraying

Roy. uses a Health Canada-approved three-step disinfection solution that eliminates 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. Our teams are skilled at using various types of electrostatic sprayers for preventive disinfection and to treat contaminated surfaces. The patented system makes it possible to reach 100% of even the most difficult-to-reach surfaces without any danger to humans.

Safe and healthy spaces

in 3 steps

Desinfection 01

Step 1:

Clean the surface

Desinfection 02

Step 2:

Disinfect high-touch surfaces with manual rubbin

Desinfection 03

Step 3:

Treat with electrostatic sprayer

Marc Andre Tessier Photo

Marc-André Tessier

Vice President, Business Development

How does

electrostatic sprayer disinfection work?

Directional sprayers produce small electrically charged droplets (30–50 microns) which are literally attracted to surfaces, providing a completely even coating with no residual aerosol particles in the surrounding air. Droplets penetrate and fill cracks and crevices where pathogens and odours reproduce—areas unreachable by standard disinfection techniques.

This technological wonder is safer, faster and more efficient, and it allows people to return to the space only 10 minutes following application of the non-toxic product.

To ensure electrostatic sprayer disinfection is fully effective, a step-by-step protocol must be followed before beginning the treatment.

Charlotte is the ultimate experience of a UVC disinfectant robot

Charlotte disinfects 99.99% of surfaces with its 360 degree UVC system. By taking care of the disinfection of surfaces, it reduces the workload of your cleaning crew and contributes to the feeling of safety of your users.

Hosting such technology as part of your cleaning team is:

  • Contribute to the influence and notoriety of your building
  • Saving time and money
  • Demonstrate high responsiveness in case of reported contamination
  • Get evidence of monitored passages
  • Encouraging innovation from here (Charlotte is 100% Canadian)
  • Secure your tenants, your users, your customers, your employees...

Ideal for:

  • AAA Buildings
  • Shopping center
  • Office towers

Meet Charlotte

Testimonials of reassured clients

Roy.’s electrostatic sprayer treatment reassured our users that our site was disinfected and enabled Radio-Canada to carry on fulfilling its mission of informing citizens.

Adrian Pouliot

Director Facility Manager Eastern Canada - Radio-Canada (BGIS)

They too trust Roy. for electrostatic spray disinfection treatment